Susanne Alt
Susanne Alt

Vinyl Wednesday: The J.B.'s - Doing It To Death


Except for instrumental jazz, The J.B.'s always had a major influence on me.
The J.B.'s were the band of James Brown between 1970-1980. Read more on Wikipedia.
Maybe the fact that it's dance music with some vocals and sketches but not a band accompanying a lead singer.

It's a song with a lot of band member participartion, audience participation to have a really good time, literally doing it to death. So a concert turned into a party instead of listening to somone on stage and clap your hands afterwards.
In the 90's, when Maceo still played with Fred Wesley and Pee Wee Ellis, they played sometimes for 4 or 5 hours. Until everybody was tired and couldn't dance anymore. The musicians had worked their butts of and were sweating like crazy.
Doing It To Death is a tune that I danced to many times, on parties, and in the concerts of James Brown, Maceo Parker, Pee Wee Ellis and Fred Wesley. And I even got to play it several times with Fred Wesley & The New J.B.'s, what an honour.
Listen to the original version from the album here:

Susanne's Vinyl Wednesday playlist on Youtube
Susanne's Vinyl Wednesday playlist on Spotify

on 23/01/2019


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