Susanne Alt
Susanne Alt

Vinyl Wednesday: Susanne Alt - Saxify


This time a thowback to "Saxify", my last album, released 3 years ago. Time flies! 
It was an enormous project, involving 36 musicians and vocalists and I still would not change one note of it.
Read all the credits on Discogs
My previous albums are very clear jazz albums, while this was my funk dream become vinyl truth.. (also released on cd and digitally)
The sound is magical, and I am glad it was well-received by the press and audience.
It was an honour and pleause to work with all these amazing artists and document our musical friendships.

Listen to the whole album on Youtube.
Read all the reviews
It's still available though my webshop,, Amazon, Juno RecordsBandcamp or CD Baby.

Susanne's Vinyl Wednesday playlist on Youtube
Susanne's Vinyl Wednesday playlist on Spotify

on 20/03/2019


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