Susanne Alt
Susanne Alt

Vinyl Wednesday: Brand New Funk - Brand New Funk 78

This record is a typical album I would skip in the record store.. boring cover, no Fred Wesley.
No famous musicians except drummer Douglas Wimbish (maybe you miss this name because later he calls himself Doug Wimbish). This is a very very funky album and you should definitely buy it when you find it!
Too funky...
Mixed and produced by Sylvia Robinson, the famous founder/CEO of hiphop label Sugar Hill.
Well, when you click around on Discogs, then you learn that the band members are in fact significant musicians:
Cecil Powell also has writing credits for funk band Dayton, singer Craig Derry has more than hundred vocal credits, of course Living Colour bassist Doug Wimbish, guitarist/producer/recording artist Skip McDonald or saxophone player Seldon Powell, never heard before, but appearently a well-known session and jazz player.. Was Seldon Powell the father or uncle of piano player Hubert Powell, and singer Cecil Powell?
Thanks to DJ Maestro for passing it on to me!
Link Discogs

Listen to this grooving instrumental tune:

on 22/03/2017


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