Susanne Alt
Susanne Alt

Running: Mizuno Half Marathon Amsterdam 2018

Yesterday it was time for the TCA Amsterdam Marathon or in my case, the Mizuno Half Marathon!
My 4th time already.
The weather was good, not to warm or too cold, it was very crowded though, often I had to run around people, clearly many people don't keep right when running slowly, that was a bit annoying. Also, when passing slower runners, some fast runner passed on the right side and there were many collisions and people bumping into each other, much more than during the last years. I don't know if it was due to a higher number of participants or different people who don't know basic traffic rules?
Therefore I am looking forward to the Zandvoort Circuit Run in March, where there's more space. If you can, also check out Egmond Halve Marathon. Both are on the beach. Running on the beach is a bit heavy but the view is so great. 

Yesterday I was feeling well but I was a bit slow. Honestly I have to say I had missed some long trainings due to shoe problems and lack of time. I still did the run in 2h29m and while running thought of the fact that I am very lucky to be physcially able to do this at all.
The reason I post about my very mediocre running performances is to motivate you that if I can do it, you can do it as well! As a musician you spend a lot of time itting inside, practising instruments or sitting behind the computer, writing music, listening to music doing bookings or administration..

I never will be fast or win anything except winning from my inner "Schweinehund", the little monster inside myself that keeps telling me that it's okay to sit on the couch and eat some cookies instead.
I don't say that having cookies is a bad thing but combine it with sports and you'll be a happier person.
Running for me is purely to maintain physical and mental health in order to increase the chance of (hopefully) aging kind of gracefully and in fair shape, and I hope I can motivate you and others by giving the example...

on 22/10/2018


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