Neighbouring rights meetings
Sena is one of the neighbouring rights organisation in the Netherlands who collect money for artists, session musicians and producers. I think about 18000 people received money from them in 2015 but only about 80 in total showed up for the annual meeting, , both morning and afternoon. in the morrning there was a meeting for the producers, and in the afternoon a meeting for musicians/artists. For many artists it's hard to show up at business hours of course because most people are working then.. So most of the people who showed up were employees of big publishing companies and loyers. Elder men in suit. Only people who show up to a meeting can vote. So the people who ended up voting for certain new decisions were not really representing the independent artists the neighbouring rights organisations also stand for.
If you are member of those organisations, please go there once in a while. I know it's hard to organise and sounds boring but I think it's neccessary.
There's a
Buma/Stemra member meeting coming up on 15th of june. I was there last year for the first time. Like at the Sena meeting, I was one of the only composers, one of the only women and one of the only persons below 40 years old. If you are a member and get the invitation in your mailbox, please consider to go!
And.. at those meetings: Very tasty sandwiches and coffee, soft drinks, and after the meeting usually people stay around to network and have some alcohol and snacks. Don't let the old men eat all of your sandwiches :-)
Most important of all: You don't let only major companies decide what the neighbouring organisations do with our money. If you show up you can vote and make a small change. If you don't believe in it you at least learn something about neighbouring rights and network a bit.
on 24/05/2016
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