Susanne Alt
Susanne Alt

Mama's Birthday

Mrs Busy Bee is turning 65 today! 
Happy Birthday to my mother, the one and only Maria Alt.
She's a very dedicated guitar teacher and always developing her own interests in her spare time.
While other people quickly loose interest after picking up a new thing, she keeps digging deeper to gain real knowledge of a subject. That's how she learned baglama and ukulele and integrated teaching these instruments as well. Perseverance, patience and drive are her middle names.
She also passed the Corona challenge amongst teachers; online lessons. No problem for her!
While other instrumental teachers struggled with their computers or even totally gave up teaching from distance, she just saw an opportunity. 

Besides in music, she's very interested in languages. Up to now, she learned many European languages as well as Turkish and Russian, and "who knows what's next", as my father is always joking. She might just pick up Arabic, Japanese or Chinese... and she told me that she recently discovered new guitar repertoire and got a new boost to practise.

And so she continues to inspire...

on 29/03/2021


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