Susanne Alt
Susanne Alt

Lovelee Radio with Susanne Alt - Listen on Soundcloud

Listen the whole set back on Soundcloud.

Last Wednesday I did a livestream dj set at Lovelee,  the club I used to perform a lot with Wicked Jazz Sounds, for about 10 years, then called Sugarfactory.
Unfortunately Sugarfactory went bankrupt at the beginning of 2019 and re-opened as Lovelee in January 2020, then Covid came and Lovelee had to close down after only 2 months.
It was so nice to be back there last week, brought back a lot of memories. Hopefully Lovelee can re-open in 2021 in full swing. It's such a cosy club.

The (main) club space downstairs is now temporarily used for spinning classes by Vélo.
Upstairs used to be the smoking room/art gallery, and a part of it is now Lovelee radio.

I'll let you know if I do another set. In the meantime, stay healthy!
Hope you enjoy the mix.

on 03/11/2020


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