Susanne Alt
Susanne Alt

Gig pics: Venus Tunes Live XL at Leusden Jazz 2019

Thank you Leusden Jazz for inviting us back again, after the success of last year. 

left: Femke Krone, right: Susanne Alt

We had to change the line up a bit because Mavis had another gig and also I was asked to play a longer set so except for Femke Krone (percussion/dj) we changed it up a bit.
I invited Jina Sumedi (keys/accordion), SaraLee Vos (vocals) and Rebekka Ling (vocals). 

left: Jina Sumedi, right:Rebekka Ling           

Saralee Vos


Both vocalists have collaborated on my label Venus Tunes in the past and the present so still a big amount of tunes written by ourselves was  guaranteed...



We also filmed it again in order to collect different footage from all the Venus Tunes Live gigs. It will take a while but I am planning to edit a little aftermovie, probably it will be online before the end of the year..


Thank you Peter Putters of De Nozem Fotografie Amersfoort for taking these very beautiful pictures!

Backstage with the ladies :-) (Photo by Femke Krone)

We are looking forward to our next gig in Germany! Go to agenda

on 03/10/2019


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