Susanne Alt
Susanne Alt

Gig pics: Jam Session at B Flat, Berlin

I practically always take my saxophone with me. And how to spend a free night better than jamming on a jazz session, meeting new musicians or running into old acquaintances.. in this case it wasn't an "old" one, but a musician I met when we were puppies on Conservatory of Amsterdam: guitar player Tina Jäckel
Also, it was my first time at the new nocation of jazz club B Flat who relocated one year ago. What was great about the old location: People could see the stage from the street and walk in. Across the street was a good wine bar. What's great about the new location: It's bigger AND cosier, a true jazz club (basement), and there are more restaurants around it. I tried the Tapas next door, Atame, good stuff!

on 07/10/2017


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