Susanne Alt
Susanne Alt

Gig pics: April Soulville at SKYY Bar

I enjoyed my cocktail, my favourite when dj'ing is the non-alcoholic Berry Beautifull. Strawberry, vanilla syrop, mint, orange, lemon juice... Fresh taste to stay fresh all night..

Since 2 months, SKYY Bar has a new concept for each dj day, "my" Thursday became a funky one:
On Thursday nights we take you through five decades of the funkiest rare grooves, disco and soul. This is the perfect way to slow start of a high quality weekend vibe."

This time I played some music by The J.B.'s, Prince, Guru, Angie Stone, Mint Condition before I went on to the more uptempo stuff.

See my agenda for my next Soulville.

on 20/04/2018


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