Susanne Alt
Susanne Alt

Club pics: Zwarte Koffie, Paradiso

Pictured above: DJ Mr Speak
Having been living in Amsterdam for 20 years now sometimes involves NOT going out.. which results sometimes in missing an entire club night for 4 years!
"Zwarte Koffie" takes place every first Friday of the month at Paradiso. Due to gigs or other preparations connected to my work I've nver been able to go. I was a bit in shock when I saw the social media post of Zwarte Koffie that they were already celebrating their 4th anniversary... About ime to take a look!
Also, it turned out that one of my favourite producers, Dam Funk was playing a set there, too. Because I had to get up early on saturday I could not stay the whole night but had to leave at around 3. Still had a very very good time.. Extra thanks also to L33 for his good tunes. No, his name is not "L thirty-three"  but it stands for "Lee" but then spelled in a complicated way :-)

You should go out sometimes. Things are always different from what you expect or have in mind.

Dam Funk, doing his thing. I gave him the 7-inch of "Saxify", I hope he likes it!

on 07/06/2016


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