Susanne Alt
Susanne Alt

Photo gallery online


The photo's of 14-10-2010 at Bimhuis are online now!  The most photo's are taken by Esther Duijn, marked with an E plus a number. Other photo's are taken by Bas Cuppen, marked with a B and a number and not to forget Robert Glass, marked with a R and a number.

The idea was to not only make pictures for the cd cover but also have pictures of the audience because it's a lice recording with live audience. the initial idea was also to put the pictures into the cd but then I thought it would be a shame to make all the pictures so small so in the end you can't recognize yourseld anymore.

If you want to have one or more pictures, please send me a mail (use the contact form) with the exact number of the picture and then i can send it to you via e-mail.

All the best!!



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