Susanne Alt
Susanne Alt


This time not Fred Wesley again but Chuck Brown, the "Godfather of Go-go"(1936-2012).
"Go-go is a subgenre of funk music developed in and around Washington, D.C. in the mid and late 1970s. While its musical classification, influences, and origins are debated, Brown is regarded as the fundamental force behind the creation of go-go music."

He had a very rough early life, growing up in poverty and being sentenced for murder, once being incarcarated, trading cigarettes for a guitar if we can believe the stories.

"When Brown completed his sentence, he moved back to Washington, DC and worked as a truck driver, a bricklayer, and a sparring partner at multiple boxing gyms. He also started to perform at parties throughout the area; however, he could not play at venues that served liquor, because his parole officer would not allow it", Wikipedia continues.
So, there he was, in 1963, 27 years old...

Unfortunately I never saw Chuck Brown live, but here's a one hour live concert from 2009 in Washington DC (I recognize a.o. Little Benny on trumpet, Greg Boyer on trombone and Cherie Mitchell-Agurs on keys).
The visuals are a but shakey (gets better after a while) but it gives a good impression of Go-go music culture.

on 20/01/2016


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